
6 Negative Impacts f Frequently Changing Blog Templates

6 Negative Impacts f Frequently Changing Blog Templates

To manage a blog, you need to have an attractive blog display so that readers or visitors can feel more comfortable. However, there is something that really needs to be considered when changing blog templates often. Because if you change the look of a blog too often, then you will get a negative effect that often changes evenly the blog template.

Talking about blog templates may not end there, because every month or year there must be a template issued by the template itself, so most people will probably be tempted to buy it and replace it from an old template to a new template.

Let alone changing a template, changing the structure or appearance of the blog alone will damage SEO, and even worse, the Google crawl engine will always be busy looking for your site's pages instead of focusing on crawling your articles, so it's very likely. Your article that was originally perched on page one will be kicked to another page.

Negative Impacts Often Mutually Change Blog Templates

6 Negative Impacts f Frequently Changing Blog Templates

At the beginning of my blog in 2017, I often changed the appearance of the blog to redesign it. What I often think is cool turns out to have side effects that I get, not only that. When I change blog templates, I also always spend some money to buy a premium blogger template.

Even though it's premium and SEO friendly and fast loading, I still feel unsatisfied. So I bought again and again the blogger template that was released by jagodesain who was named Median v1.5 at that time, after buying the template. More or less I have a premium blogger template currently totaling 7 templates. Instead of being too long, let's just look at the following reviews:

Blog Traffic Decreases

The first impact you will experience when you frequently change templates is that blog traffic decreases. For example, you get 5,000/day traffic per day, of course, the traffic will drop slowly to below thousands even you can only get tens. Why is that? This is because the google bot will re-crawl the structure of the template you are using, so the index of the article will be temporarily ignored.

Of course it makes your article rank down which initially page one will turn into another page. This is also not what I experienced myself, but there are lots of people who experience the same thing on blogger forums on the Internet.

Bad Blog Display

As we all know that every template developer must have different XML, if you replace the blog template with a new blog template without deleting the old XML. So, it is likely that your template will feel messy. Not only that, the script that you added earlier will also disappear and make your blog look messy.

If the blog looks messy, then visitors or loyal readers of your blog will leave your site because they are considered less attractive and less worthy to read. Of course that's something most people don't want.

Waste of Time

Setting up a new blog template does take a long time, especially for fresh bloggers who are not very familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which makes them learn to be more proficient in editing blog templates. The time that should be used to write articles must be lost because they are busy taking care of the new appearance of the blog.

Try to spend time on more useful things such as planting backlinks, looking for backlinks, updating old articles, publishing new articles, optimizing, and much more. If you use your time well, then your site will also run well.

Eliminate Blog Characteristics

Every blogger must have their own characteristics, a characteristic that is often followed by many people, namely the appearance of a blog. If you are already a successful blogger and are able to motivate many people to start blogging in order to earn money, then it is likely that motivated people will follow the appearance of the blog from the template you are using.

Therefore, focus on making articles that are useful for many people, and don't focus too much on the appearance of a blog. The appearance of a simple blog if served with quality articles will make the reader feel helped by the complete content of the article that you provide and can answer the questions he is looking for.

Lowering SEO Quality

As I often mentioned above, changing the appearance of the blog will affect the quality of SEO. Why is that? This is because the google bot is confused because the template structure is always changing from the previous crawl. So this causes the quality of SEO to also decrease, you yourself also experience unwanted things, namely articles that are on the first page will no longer appear on the first page.

If you have experienced this, of course you want to return to the old template, right? If so, it can't change anything, you can only surrender. Because if you are still determined to change to the old template, it's just in vain.

Wasting of Money

I have felt this way since the beginning of blogging in 2017, the money I should have used for myself, I used to buy a blog template. The amount of money is indeed quite good, from the number of templates I bought. Currently I redesign Median to Uxi templates , and the rest are just lying around.


Those are some of the negative impacts if you change blog templates too often, hopefully the reviews I have presented above are useful for you. Actually, to change the blog template is perfectly legal and there are no restrictions, as long as it's not too frequent and the new template is more SEO, Fast Loading, and Mobile Friendly and good blog template.

Also try to buy premium templates so that you get support and there are no naughty scripts that are often entered by people who often share pirated templates, there are even lots of pirated templates that always link backlinks from sites that share them. May be useful!

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