
How to Remove Disqus Ads on Blog

How to Remove Disqus Ads on Blog

Tutorial to  Removing Disqus Ads on Blogs - In carrying out blogging activities, sometimes there are bloggers who ask about how to remove ads on the Disqus comment form. Most of them feel disturbed by the kind of promotion that appears.

Although these Disqus Ads can generate additional income, the convenience of the reader is also obligatory for us to pay attention to. Before doing deletion, it's better to learn about proper optimization way to get bigger income.

The types of ads that appear are display, video, and text. For those of you who are asking, are Disqus ads safe to use? The answer is safe because it is only in the form of native impressions like Google AdSense and Mgid.

In contrast to previous years, ad serving will be automatic without the need to set again.

When blog traffic starts to get high, the developer will directly contact the blog owner to provide information that the relevant Disqus ID is ready to serve ads in each comment column.

Or you can also contact the developer directly for a review so they can display the ad.

Similar to Google AdSense, the revenue received from ad serving will be accommodated until it meets the withdrawal standards. For this standard, Disqus provides a limit of 100 Dollars.

$100 = Pkr. 17,665,00 (as of 5 December2021).

But the large amount is certainly not a guarantee by someone to use it. In fact, there are still many people who feel annoyed and prefer to focus on Google AdSense.

Without further ado, here's an easy way to remove those ad displays:

How to Remove Disqus Ads on Blog

How to Remove Disqus Ads on Blog

1. Sign in Blogger
2. Log in to BLOGGER
3. Select the THEME menu
4. Select EDIT HTML
5. Paste below css code just above ]]></b:skin> :

#disqus_thread>iframe[src*="ads-iframe"] {display:none!important}
6. Select SAVE
7. Finished.

After installing, don't forget to check directly to make sure that Disqus ads no longer appear in the comments form.

But this trick actually has a drawback, if Disqus finds a script to reject the display of ads, then the Ads ID will most likely be changed.

If so, update the code above again with the new Ads ID.

Actually, you can also get rid of Disqus ads by upgrading your Disqus account. In the Pro or Premium view, there is an option to show ads or not.

The second way, you no longer need to change the code at any time once the Ads ID has changed.

Enough articles about How to Remove Disqus Ads on this Blog , Thank you.

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