
Create Maintenance Notification Page for Blogspot

Create Maintenance Notification Page for Blogspot

In the process of using the blog, have you encountered the problem of editing the Template yet? Sure it is. And in the process, there will be a lot of changes and confusion on our blog and you don't want that to be seen by the Viewers. So today TrickPk will show you a way to make a maintenance page or notification while we are editing Template.

How to Create Maintenance message for Blogspot

How to Create Maintenance Notification Page for Blogspot


  • Beautiful, friendly.

  • Anyone accessing your blog will only see this maintenance notice page and will not be able to access the blog.


  1. You go to Blogger   and go to the Theme  section and  select Edit HTML

  2. Then you paste the code below before the closing </head> tag. 

<style type='text/css'> /*<![CDATA[*/html:after {  content: "";  background: #fff url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhIWl8RKIkV7bPYrWiORC91z5bOQRliXwcG4-zyyzouR761noF6CwE3nqY-RcBQoBKLysEBwiNUpEqy1b5PuY6OYCTa_rf8zJKiuxEvX7ZsZGJh1DOVqhRgvKQ7nx8yOoMycLAl8yGtX70/s795/TrickPk+Maintenance+Page.jpg) no-repeat;   background-size: auto;  position: fixed;  top: 0;  left: 0;  width: 100%;  height: 100%;  z-index: 100000;   background-position: center;}body {  display:none;}@media screen and (max-width:800px) {  html:after {    background-size: contain;  }}/*]]>*/</style>

You can replace the image link with your photo link, and this is a picture designed by TrickPk.

Finally, just save your theme and enjoy.

Outcomes :

That's it, I have finished showing you how to create blogspot maintenance notices, wish you success. If you like it, please like and share it for me

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