
Add QooBee Hi Effect at Right Corner For Blog/Website

Add QooBee Hi Effect at Right Corner For Blog/Website

I think this QooBee Hi is quite popular for decorating the bottom right corner of Blog/Website, so I decided to share with you amazing tip, it's as simple as 15 seconds. Follow me!.

Add QooBee Hi Effect To Decorate Right Corner For Blog/Website

Add QooBee Love Effect To Decorate Right Corner For Blog/Website

Following are the Steps To followed

  1. Step 1: Go to HTML editing find the </head> tag.

  2. Copy the code below and insert it above it

  3. <script>/*<![CDATA[*/ var _0xb5f3 = ["undefined", "document", "use strict", "lazy", "lazyloaded", "lazyloading", "lazypreload", "lazyerror", "lazyautosizes", "ls-is-cached", "data-src", "data-srcset", "data-sizes", "lazySizesConfig", "lazysizesConfig", "getElementsByClassName", "documentElement", "HTMLPictureElement", "addEventListener", "getAttribute", "bind", "setTimeout", "requestAnimationFrame", "requestIdleCallback", "load", "error", "lazyincluded", "_lazyloaded", "forEach", "prototype", "(\\s|^)", "(\\s|$)", "class", "", "test", "trim", " ", "setAttribute", "replace", "removeEventListener", "Event", "createEvent", "instance", "initEvent", "detail", "dispatchEvent", "picturefill", "pf", "src", "srcset", "offsetWidth", "parentNode", "minSize", "_lazysizesWidth", "length", "shift", "apply", "push", "hidden", "_lsFlush", "throttleDelay", "ricTimeout", "now", "onscroll", "userAgent", "target", "body", "visibility", "opacity", "overflow", "visible", "getBoundingClientRect", "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "offsetParent", "elements", "loadMode", "_lazyRace", "prematureUnveil", "data-expand", "expand", "clientHeight", "clientWidth", "_defEx", "expFactor", "hFac", "loadHidden", "preloadAfterLoad", "sizesAttr", "auto", "_lazyCache", "loadedClass", "loadingClass", "data-load-mode", "iframeLoadMode", "location", "contentWindow", "srcsetAttr", "data-media", "media", "customMedia", "defaultPrevented", "lazybeforeunveil", "autosizesClass", "sizes", "srcAttr", "nodeName", "firesLoad", "source", "getElementsByTagName", "call", "lazyClass", "complete", "naturalWidth", "fastLoadedClass", "loading", "errorClass", "lazyunveilread", "updateElem", "scroll", "preloadClass", "resize", "pageshow", "persisted", ".", "querySelectorAll", "MutationObserver", "observe", "DOMNodeInserted", "DOMAttrModified", "hashchange", "focus", "mouseover", "click", "transitionend", "animationend", "readyState", "DOMContentLoaded", "px", "dataAttr", "lazybeforesizes", "width", "i", "init", "lazySizes", "object", "exports", "<img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/SXCtWIU.gif\" style=\"position:fixed;bottom:-3px;height: 80px;left:20px;z-index:9999\"/>", "write"]; var _0x58e9 = [_0xb5f3 [149], _0xb5f3 [150]]; var _0x89a0 = [_0x58e9 [0], _0x58e9 [1]]; var _0x590b = [_0x89a0 [0], _0x89a0 [1]]; document[_0x590b[1]](_0x590b[0]) /*]]>*/</script>
  4. Save and then press f5 the web page to see the results.

Customization :

For Changing QooBee image style, just replace the highlight image url as in above script.

Finally, outcomes:

Such a short and simple article. The entire article I refer to is on TrickPk, if you have any questions or complaints about copyright, please comment below. Have a nice day.!

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